Saturday, November 7, 2015


Hello CoReaders!

Today I write to invite you to share your experience so far with Learning by Heart.  What did you do when you got a copy?  Did you skim through it, did you flip it over and read some of the quotes on the back?  Are you reading in sections or straight through?

I am reading in sections, just to get a sense of all the different projects, but this week I did "start" more formally with the activities on pages 18 and 19.  I started my sense diary by listing sounds I hear in the morning.  (The moist sound of the can of cat food being opened, the metal lid making a soft swish as it is pulled away.  My neighbor's large truck engine growling into action.) I also experienced two of the assignments with markedly different levels of progress.

I chose 7:45 a.m. as my time to observe the shadows in a room for 5 minutes.  I sat in our living room, which gets the morning light through the bay window.  I did have to sit with my back to the window at first so I wouldn't be distracted by the birds visiting the feeder and bird bath.  I was happily surprised to discern the different levels of shadow, the deep shadows cast by base of the floor lamp against the wall and the paler shadows of the leaves diffused by the window.  This "assignment" turned into a wonderful way to begin each day this week and I think I'll continue it for awhile.  The most surprising moment was on Tuesday morning when the clouds shifted, the room darkened and the shadows intensified and it was if I was in a completely different room.

Attempting the second exercise on page 19, looking at a non changing object for 15 minutes, was so much harder that I have to start over.  I started with a metal water container I keep on the nightstand.  I was tired after 10 minutes, I couldn't look at it any more!  Was it the harsh overhead light making the metal glare?  Was it the combination of the black top and orange bottle that was too much to view up close?  I don't know.  I use this thing everyday--it is impervious to being knocked over by the cat, has a slim profile so it tucks in nicely in between the books and other stuff on the bedside table, I can grasp it while not being completely awake, take a sip, then set it down and fall back why did my eyes hurt after looking at for 10 minutes?  I'll try it again in a different light or pick another object.

Today, what I've been waiting for all week, I will sit in my cherished backyard and look at a tree for an hour.  I'm excited just thinking about this.  I had thought I would choose the lemon tree, which has recently had a professional pruning and looks marvelous, but my eyes have been drawn all week to the huge shaggy weeping elm that soars upwards from my neighbors yard. It is a squirrel highway, the songbirds preferred perch for being close to the feeder, a majestic tree.

I titled this post "experience" because I'm gathering from this book the importance of and the possibility through practice of being able to articulate and communicate experience, to have my senses and awareness in coordination to be present enough to be able to communicate an experience.  Experience is also one of my favorite words, I love the i before e'ness of it, like a piece of softly sparkly jewelry.

What parts are you reading?  Have you tried one of the activities yet?  If you want to share your experience or invite your fellow CoReaders to join you in one, in person or online or through the mail, do it!

Cheerful greetings from the Bookcharmer.


  1. Hello Co-Readers,
    I have tried my shadow watching and the object observing. I've found the shadow watching hard because I can't seem to settle on the same time every day. I'm continuing to work on that. The object I'm hanging out with is a shirt. I don't know why I settled on it, but it has so much to look at, I find the 15 minutes goes by sort of fast.

    I have trouble shutting down the curious, why buttons, who thought up collars, how long did it take us to get to sleeves? I think I was at least smart enough to choose a white one.

    My tree date is on Saturday. I'm thinking I might have to go looking for a tree since our leaves are almost all gone have to remember that is kinda cold out. I'll find something. I wish the weeping cherry outside my office was still around. I still miss the seasons I shared with that tree.

    I'm finding this effort settles me down and allows space in my head for just looking. It's lovely. Thank you Rebecca!!!

  2. I sat down one morning and read up to page 44. My favorite quote was something about ...not writing about art, but making art. So I had to get up and make some art! This quote has really taken root as I am such a planner. Now, when I feel the 'planning' is taking over, I stop ...and then...go make art!
