Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Learning to Look

Hello CoReaders!

How many of you have got hold of a copy of Learning By Heart?   I was happy to see some posts on twitter and get some facebook messages saying you had the book or had a plan to get a copy.  How far along are you in reading it?

How are you reading it?  I'm still in the early chapters, with little dives into the later sections.

I'm starting a sense diary, just grabbed an empty notebook I had at home.  The first entry I made was a list of sounds I heard this morning.

I'm starting the assignment of looking at shadows.  At 7:45, I sat and looked at the shadows in my living room.  I think this is the first time I've really looked at shadows.  It was fun to look at the wispy, spiraling shadows of the tree branches blowing in the wind and the dark rich shadow lines cast by the lamp and a picture frame.  Finally, I noticed my own shadow and waved to myself.  Will I notice the same things tomorrow?

The next activity on page 19 is to look at something that doesn't change and observe it carefully.  I will do this tonight at the end of the day.  What will I chose?  My beloved travel mug that is my daily companion?  The metal water container I keep on the nightstand?  I feel like choosing some sort of container for liquid so I can think about depth.

I'm continuing to think about some easy ways to connect with you on other social media platforms.  What do you think of the hashtags CoReader and CoReading?  Just a little play on Collaboratively Reading Corita.

Post your thoughts, your activities, your ideas about the book here!



  1. Did not know of this book. Seems interesting. Assignment reminds me of some tasks that artists give self. I've certainly walked around all day looking at shadows. And Ellsworth Kelly was said to have started by drawing shapes he saw in shadows. Be interesting where this goes, as not an "art" book. Reminds me of this one, that is an "art" book: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (although maybe just this part)

  2. Got my copy. It's fun. It's funky. Seems like reading it in order would go against the free spirit nature of it. The chapter on looking has some interesting assignments that I want to try.

  3. Doing some of these "Looking" assignments this week and serendipitously came across this wonderful comic by Nick Sousanis and Daiyu Suzuki http://spinweaveandcut.com/maxine-eugene/
